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Common Swift in the abstracts of XIV International ornithological conference of Northern Eurasia on 18–24 August 2015 in Almaty (Kazakhstan): Kovshar’ A.F. (ed.) (2015): XIV International ornithological conference of Northern Eurasia (Almaty, 18-24 August 2015). I. Abstracts. Almaty. 620 p. (In Russian; table of contents also in English)


(APUSlist Nos. 5836, 5837)






1. Zabashta, A.V.: Birds that create a hazard to aircraft at the airport of Rostov-on-Don City, p. 193-195


(APUSlist No. 5836)


There were 320 bird strikes with aeroplanes without serious damage for aircraft at the Rostov-on-Don airport in 1999-2014, 21 of which involved Swifts. The majority of collisions occurred while planes were still on the runway, and only 17 happened when a plane was coming in to land, including one involving a Swift (altitude 30 m); n maximum of two individuals.



2. Pilipenko, D.V.: The avifauna of forests of the Donetsk region, p. 381-382


(APUSlist No. 5837)


Avifauna of the Donetsk Region was studied in all types of forests since 1996, and 116 bird species were found, including 92 breeding species. Common Swift is a common nester in villages and towns, and it exceptionally breeds in tree holes.


© APUSlife 2015, No. 5838

ISSN 1438-2261