Report on
Dolnik, V.R. & Kinzhewskaja, L.I. (1980): Time and energy budgets during the nest period in the Swift (Apus apus) and Swallows (Delichon urbica, Hirundo rustica) (Russian, Engl. summary). Zoologichesky Zhurnal 59: 1841-1851
(APUSlist No. 0219)
Three pairs of nesting Common Swifts were chronometred for 4 days during fledging.
There were 2, 2, and 3 chicks in the nests, aged 14-18, 20-24, and 25-29 days respectively. Females were present in the nest at night, males remained outside the nest. Average (ignoring sex differences) time expense was: night sleeping took 6.77 ±0.16 hour, presence in the nests 0.52 ±0.17 h, flight 16.77 ±0.16 h.