Report on
Mosolova E.Yu., Tabachishin V.G. (2012): Arrival dynamics of the Common Swift Apus apus in the north of the Lower Volga region. Russian Journal of Ornithology 21 (817), p. 2899-2901
(APUSlist No. 5002)
The Common Swift (Swift) is a common nester in the research area, especially in cities, including Saratov. Usually the first arrival of Swifts in Saratov falls between 27 April and 10 May (records from 2002 to 2011). When the Spring is early, the Swifts arrive earlier, but then they may temporarily return South if the weather becomes colder again. In late Springs, the first Swifts arrive later, i.e. on 8-10 May, and numerous arrivals have been recorded on 12-13 May. The Spring of 2012 was characterized by low temperatures in March and early April, and then with a fast increase in temperature from the 2nd ten days of April. The first Swifts arrived on 24 April simultaneously in numerous flocks; this was the earliest recorded date for Saratov. In general despite the cold start of Spring 2012, the phenological features were 1 to 2 weeks earlier than usual, a phenomenon also recorded in the arrival dates of other late-migrating species.
© APUSlife 2013, No. 5003
ISSN 1438-2261