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Mulder, Chris (1999): Gierzwaluwbroedseizoen 1999 [Film, with Dutch commentary] Eindhoven. 33 min.

Mulder, Chris (2000): Gierzwaluwbroedseizoen 2000 [Film, with English and Dutch commentary] Eindhoven. 33 min.

What goes on in a Common Swift nestcave? Chris Mulder put a video camera in a nestbox at his house and peeped the secret family life for three months, the whole period of summer stay. We get witnesses of how difficult it is in the beginning to get familiar with the partner: the male in the nestbox pounced on the entering partner until the duet makes clear that she is a female. Then he needs another 19 seconds to climb down again (1999). Further more we get familiar with the usual family life, sitting on the nest together, preening, mating, even after the last egg was laid (2000).We can observe the young to be fed, how they train the wings and tail and exercise breast stands. We listen to the different sounds and watch the young when they fly out.

All material from inside the nestbox is in black & white. The camera is fixed in the rooftop of the box and looks straight to the ground of 20 x 20 cm. The few scenes from the outside, such as ringing and an introduction of the façade and forecourt is in colour.

These loving productions are made private but of reasonable quality.

Contact to the author: cgmulder@iae.nl