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The first Swifts arrive in Kassel (Hesse, Germany) around the 28th April, the exact date depends on the weather. The majority of the birds arrives a few days later. The departure is around 28th July.
After the arrival the Swifts soon return to their nesting site. The female chirps while on the nest, the sound is similar of those from chicks. Since this occurs a short time after the arrival, it may be concluded that the chirping is not produced by the youngs. The female probably begs for food then. - The chicks start to crawl around the nesting site as soon as they are covered with some feathers. Both parents are feeding. In the middle of July the youngs are grown up. Then they can be distinguished from the adults only by the greyish color of the forehead. All disappeared from the 27th to the 28th and must start migration immediately.
Vom Mauersegler
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(Printed 1916 in Die gefiederte Welt.)
© APUSLife 1998, No. 0771
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